Monday 25 March 2013


That's me this week. Skiving. Skiving off the diet, skiving off menu planning. Skived my Weight Watchers meeting tonight, skiving off work tomorrow morning. Will probably skive off things like changing the towels and dusting the house. It's a general skiving week and I really don't care.

I think we all need a break every now and again. After spending over a year doing Weight Watchers successfully (lost every single week that I tracked and weighed in for) I'm just a tad bored with my return to it. I'm 11.5lbs down since Christmas which I'm delighted with, but need to live at the same time. So am taking a break over Easter; we've got so much going on that I really don't need any guilt trips for slipping up a little.

Menu planning did happen, but very loosely. Making the most of lots of lovely veggie bargains picked up over the weekend, and repeating the BNS/halloumi dish from last Friday's dinner party as it was exceptional. I ended up ditching the pudding idea and made a plum tarte tatin instead, served with home-made brandy ice-cream. No idea why as I've never even tried tarte tatin before and don't particularly like pastry. Been watching too much Masterchef perhaps? Anyway, the pastry didn't rise properly but we were all too merry by then to care much. And discovered the following day that alcoholic ice-cream is a perfect hangover cure;)

But skiving off work is something I rarely do. I'm priveleged enough to work from home, not as much fun as most people think as I'm stuck in a room all on my lonesome for 40 hours a week, but it has it's advantages. Every now and then, being a little late or leaving a little early doesn't matter too much, especially as I tend to work through my lunch break most days. So, tomorrow I will be a little late in. It's my baby girl's first school event, and she has a whole line to speak in the Easter assembly. I ain't missing that for all the wine in Italy!

Have a wonderful week peeps!

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful break - it sounds well earned.

