Friday 25 October 2013

The first room is finished!

At last! Mr Moo's room is complete, except for a name sign on the front of his door which is yet to be painted. Here are the before and after photos if I can finally get my obselete 'puter to behave...

ETA Nope, said laptop ain't playing ball. Bear with me while I try to retrieve my photos another way.

And hopefully the before ones!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

We had a delivery!

Been absent for a while, partly because nothing was happening in the house and partly because life got in the way! The kitchen and flooring was delivered last week and we have all our trades lined up for next week to start this massive installation process. They are all saying it should be in by Christmas, we'll see!

And The Husband managed to hack out the downstairs shower cubicle which turned out to be made of 6" thick concrete. Gonna be fun taking that little lot to the dump;)

Thursday 10 October 2013

Missing the van?

I don't think so! But have been thinking about our time in it.

Things we won't miss;
Having to get our beds out from a locker every night
Sitting in the dark and silence each evening until the kids fall asleep
Taking armfulls of clothes inside every time I want a shower
Having to go outside and into a different building to use the loo!
4 of us getting dressed in the morning in a space the size of a small bathroom
Cooking and washing up using tiny facilities
For that matter, storing enough food (and wine!) in a camping sized fridge
Relying on friends to do our laundry
No space to store anything apart from basic food, clothes and toys
Zero personal space or time out

Things we will miss;
All 4 of us sat around the table chatting because there's nothing else to do
Laying on the sofa with a glass of wine on a sunny summers evening, watching people go up and down the street
Not being reliant on the telly

Errr, that's it!

I'll leave you with a photo of The Husbands efforts in the garden, he's hacked down several trees and bushes and built shelves for my herbs, am well impressed!

Monday 7 October 2013

Menu planning Monday.

Forgotten this for ages, being without a proper kitchen plus kinda busy elsewhere means menu planning has not been top of my list. Oh, and the tiniest fridge ever means we have to shop every 2 days rather than once a week!
Tonight - pork chop with pepper and mushrooms.
Tuesday - stir fried rice with peas, sweet corn and tuna
Wednesday - jackets with beans and cheese
Thursday - whatever lidl has on offer
Friday - we have learnt to treat ourselves to a takeaway once a week
Saturday - sarnies for lunch in the van and probably a pub supper
Sunday - far too far away to even think about it
We have progressed this week in that we found the packing crate with the microwave and sandwich toaster in, has vastly increased our meal choices!

Sorry for no piccie Mrs M, can't work out how to do it on my new tab! 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

We are finally in!

Didn't think I'd be posting this for a couple of days, but our furniture arrived today and we got impatient so bit the bullet and moved in! Only the upstairs is ready, and we can't find crucial things like our duvet cover, lightbulbs or the kids jamas, but we don't care! Sleeping in a proper bed tonight, along with a duvet rather than a sleeping bag, for the first time in 2 months (and 2 days, not that I'm counting)!

Unfortunately The Husband is working tonight, but think we will splurge on a takeaway when he's home. Have to leave the kids in the house alone (not that either of them are asleep yet) and eat in the van but will be a revelation to have dinner alone without snoring and teeth-grinding kids a few feet away.

Happy days!