Tuesday, 1 October 2013

We are finally in!

Didn't think I'd be posting this for a couple of days, but our furniture arrived today and we got impatient so bit the bullet and moved in! Only the upstairs is ready, and we can't find crucial things like our duvet cover, lightbulbs or the kids jamas, but we don't care! Sleeping in a proper bed tonight, along with a duvet rather than a sleeping bag, for the first time in 2 months (and 2 days, not that I'm counting)!

Unfortunately The Husband is working tonight, but think we will splurge on a takeaway when he's home. Have to leave the kids in the house alone (not that either of them are asleep yet) and eat in the van but will be a revelation to have dinner alone without snoring and teeth-grinding kids a few feet away.

Happy days!