So what possessed us yesterday to let them stay up til gone 9pm? Made worse by the fact they've both been under the weather all week, so much so that Mr Moo opted to forgo his beloved swimming lesson which is unheard of. Oh, I know - we were having a lovely evening, all hanging out together! Much wine was drunk, the kids were delighted when I downloaded Gangnam Style for them and danced the dance all evening, and I was comfortable testing out my new purchase - an animal print chaise longue in the kitchen!
We paid for it today though. Despite taking them to the cinema this morning, buying sweets for that and the yummiest sausages for lunch, and making egg fried rice for their tea, they were both beyond hideous all day. Strong words were had, threats carried out, and I am very glad to see the back of them tonight. To be fair they were extremely happy to go to bed early, the yawns were much in evidence and neither of them complained about missing Dr Who.
In other news, we've had loads of viewings on the house over the last couple of weeks, and a few of them actually liked it! I've been hugely frustrated as whilst I've bought and sold lots of houses in the past, it's always been in a good market economy and things have always moved quickly. But our agent doesn't seem worried and I'm sure someone will buy it eventually - just wish that time-wasters could be filtered out before they are allowed to view! We're amazed at the number of people who have come round that either can't afford it, haven't put theirs on the market yet or want a 4 bed house when ours clearly only has 3. Oh well, c'est la vie.
I'll leave you with a pic of my newest obsession....

LOVE that chaise longue!