Fairly pathetic effort this week.
Monday; roasted aubergine and red onion with chicken strips (leftover from the chicken and bacon caesar salad that we were too drunk to eat at last weeks BBQ)
Tuesday; Greek salad with bacon (leftover from the other half of the above-mentioned dish plus the salad that didn't even make it out of the fridge that night)
Wednesday; kids are at grandparents for the night so we're hitting the high life - curry and beer for a tenner at our local pub
Thursday; kids still away so are planning a nicer night out, hopefully the tapas place in town
Friday; dunno yet
Weekend; we have a loose plan to go camping with friends but it's all down to the weather. There's also a chilli festival not too far away so the ideal would be to combine the two.
I'll leave you with a video of the chilli-eating competition that I will not be entering. No siree. Not in a million years, even if I'm dared to under the affluence of incohol...
How's MrsM's week been?
Oh my...that chilli eating looks painful, I am a fan of chilli, but I have my limits. Insanity sauce over a burger is about the most I can take. Fingers crossed the weather holds out.