Less than a week to go til I'm cycling 100km at night in aid of Camille's Appeal - and I can honestly say that I haven't been this excited about anything for months, if not years! It will be hard going, painful and a real endurance test, to say nothing of forgoing sleep and wine for a night, but it's all in a very worthy cause.
I got to know Camille' mum Hayley about five years ago, and was devastated when Camille was diagnosed with an apparently inoperable brain tumour aged just 2 years old. Since then she has undergone 15 months of chemo, 3 major brain resection ops, lots more procedures to drain her head and 3 months of daily radiotherapy involving a general anaesthetic each time. To say nothing of relapses, septic shock and many many dangerous infections - and the sheer hell that her parents have endured constantly in that time is unthinkable. But Camille has taken it all in her stride, supported by her amazingly strong parents and family, and she has now been cancer-free for 15 months. It isn't an easy path from now on though, she still faces many physical challenges as a result of her treatment, but her future is looking bright at last.
This family's experience is that our NHS system is fantastic for treatment; Camille has not lacked for anything and they have even supported (and paid for) her parents' choice of radiotherapy treatment in the US as it was more appropriate to her needs and prognosis. But once these children are "cured" of their cancer, the assistance stops there. No physiotherapy, no speech therapy, no help in school or at home - and many of them have life-long disabilities as result of the intensive and debilitating treatment. The NHS system is so underfunded and badly managed that niceties like these are sadly bottom of the list. So this is what Camille's Appeal hopes to achieve; the establishment of a rehabilitation centre at Addenbrooks Hospital to help children like Camille to develop their potential, rather than just survive.
So, this is why I and 8 others will be pedalling our way this Saturday night from Crystal Palace to...oh, Crystal Palace! It's a circular route and I'll be taking photos and uploading to Facebook whenever I can. Actually, there will be around 3000 people taking part altogether, including Ortis Deley, Princess Eugenie and the very lovely Ben Fogle. For every niggle or tired muscle or yawn that I experience, the thought of what Camille has endured will be on my mind and will spur us on. Come back next week to see how long it takes me - my current guess is 7.5 hours including break stops - bets are on folks!
Camille after her first major resection op;

And more recently, starting school;

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