Am so so proud of Mr Moo. He's always done well at certain things, from a very early age; communication is the main one and this has translated into being communicated to - i.e. reading. A couple of months before his 6th birthday he was tested and told he had a reading age of 10, and we are currently having problems finding books challenging enough for him technically but relevant enough for his mind to grasp! His teachers love him, he seems to be known by staff throughout the school who have never taught him and he always gets glowing reports. Wonder boy indeed!
We were especially proud of him last week, and he had a stonking day to remember. Not only was it his class assembly (I *might* have skived off work to attend) in which he played several parts, but he was also awarded a Governors certificate for achieving 20 merits, the only child in his class this year to do so. He was also class-leader that day, which meant that he got to bring Fluffy the class mascot home for the weekend. And just to top all this off nicely, it was also his birthday!
The day ended really well, with 2 grandparents coming down to take him out for tea - pizza of course! And then cake and staying up late, to say nothing of some fabulous presents. Shame his little sister couldn't behave half as well as him, but that's a whole other blogging topic - anyone heard of a 3 year old trying to sleep in a wardrobe???
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Monday, 25 June 2012
Menu Planning Monday.

In a very definite order for a change;
Monday - out with a friend, half price steak night in our local pub
Tuesday - the skate with Asian slaw that we didn't eat last week
Wednesday - prawn salad as the Husband is out
Thursday - beef rogan josh with mushrooms
Friday - pizza! It's Mr Moo's birthday so we're going out!
Saturday - takeaway and wine as will be recovering from his party
Sunday - pizza again! We have friends over for lunch so have to cater for kids and adults, a vegetarian, plus something that can be done for 2 sittings.
Now pop over to MrsM's place and give her some inspiration please!
Monday, 18 June 2012
Menu Planning Monday.

We booked a holiday last week, a week of total getting-away-from-it-all which is just what we need after what this year has thrown at us. But of course Mr Moo wants to know what they eat in Greece so out came a recipe book - and this week's menu is heavily based on that!
In no particular order;
Skate in a lime and coriander butter with Asian slaw
Moussaka, of course;)
Pork steaks with a Greek salad
Chicken kebabs with rice and salad
Friday night we're out at friends for dinner, which will be heavily alcohol-fuelled. Apparently I raised the bar in terms of dishing the same friends up a stonking Brasilian menu last time they came to us, and I already know there's a lemon tart planned for dessert, so think we're in for a treat!
Not sure about the rest of the weekend. Mother-in-law is staying so may end up being fish and chips for Saturday lunch (a great hangover cure too!) and I haven't done a roast for ages so that's on the cards for Sunday.
As ever, pop over to see what Mrs M has planned...
Sunday, 17 June 2012
It was a very strange sight, to say nothing of a bit dodgy. 1500 people, mainly clad in
lycra, hanging around a deserted park in the middle of the night. But this was
no ordinary night; no, this was Nightrider night! A 100km/63 mile ride around London to raise money for our own choice of charity –
Camille’s Appeal for me of course.
It’s hard to know where to begin, so many sights and sounds
and memories from that one night. We started from Crystal Palace at 11.30pm,
cycling off into the darkness with our bells ringing and lights blazing. We
passed through the mainly deserted residential areas of Lewisham and Greenwich,
stopped for a photo by Tower Bridge, and then on to the City and Docklands.
Very bizarre whizzing through manned security checkpoints at speed, with no-one
daring to stop a zillion cyclists On A Mission! St Pauls Cathedral was
beautifully lit up and after a brief stop for chocolate (yes, free chocolate
every 20km!) we viewed Arsenal and set off on the long climb up to Alexandra

Boy, was that a steep hill! Some of us *might* have walked
up part of it, but the stunning views across London from the top were worth it,
just as the sun was starting to emerge. Of course what goes up must come down,
and the thrill of a 30mph+ descent soon got the adrenalin going again! Through
a murky Hampstead Heath and into the really fun bit – Camden High Street, Piccadilly
Circus, Covent Garden – where we dodged drunken pedestrians, chased buses and
zipped around taxis. Another great photo opportunity on Waterloo Bridge, with
the Gherkin and Shard and a stunning sunrise over the Thames on one side, and
Big Ben, the London Eye and early morning joggers on the other.

And finally, after yet more chocolate outside the Imperial
War Museum, we were on the home stretch. The Royal Albert Hall loomed
around one corner, and the streets started getting busier with people and traffic.
Oh dear, another hill and another wee walk, but we triumphantly careered down
the last incline and back into the cheering and clapping crowds at Crystal
Palace. A cold beer and a bacon sarnie kept our spirits going as we desperately
tried to stay awake long enough to stumble back to the van, to join up with
the faster members of our team who'd been kipping for a couple of hours.

It was a night I will never ever forget. From the
camaraderie of our team and fellow cyclists, to the smells of curry and fried
chicken from the East End; the burning of my leg muscles as I powered up hills,
to the sheer exhilaration of speed and confidence as we tackled London’s
traffic; the high-fives and cheers from passing revellers, to the giggling at
yet another row of SPD-clad cyclists toppling over like dominoes at traffic
lights. And of course the knowledge that we were in fact doing something that
would really make a difference kept us going through the small hours. Thank you
Team Camille’s Appeal, for the support and company and laughs – I think we’ll
be back next year!
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
I did it!
Sorry folks, forgot to update here as it's been a mega-busy week, but I did the Nightrider - 100km of road cycling, some very hard hills that even had proper roadies stumped - and had a ball and barely broke a sweat! OK, that might have been because it was pretty nippy especially cycling away from Alexandra Palace at 4am down a very steep hill at about 30mph, but nonetheless it was a relatively easy ride for me. Proper blog post to follow, but I'll leave you with a pic...
Monday, 11 June 2012
Menu Planning Monday.

OK, let's get this show back on the road folks! After some serious carbo-loading over the last week (purely for fitness reasons which I will blog about later in the week) we are now back on the diet-wagon...
In no particular order;
Escalope Holstein (pork in a crust with a fried egg) and salad
Steak with roasted butternut squash salad
Egg fried rice with peas and prawns
Salmon with an olive sauce, broccoli and new potatoes
Halloumi with roasted veg and puy lentils
Haven't got as far as the weekend yet, not holding out hope for BBQ's, honest...
Is Mrs M planning on BBQing too?
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Tune for Today.
I'm so excited!
Less than a week to go til I'm cycling 100km at night in aid of Camille's Appeal - and I can honestly say that I haven't been this excited about anything for months, if not years! It will be hard going, painful and a real endurance test, to say nothing of forgoing sleep and wine for a night, but it's all in a very worthy cause.
I got to know Camille' mum Hayley about five years ago, and was devastated when Camille was diagnosed with an apparently inoperable brain tumour aged just 2 years old. Since then she has undergone 15 months of chemo, 3 major brain resection ops, lots more procedures to drain her head and 3 months of daily radiotherapy involving a general anaesthetic each time. To say nothing of relapses, septic shock and many many dangerous infections - and the sheer hell that her parents have endured constantly in that time is unthinkable. But Camille has taken it all in her stride, supported by her amazingly strong parents and family, and she has now been cancer-free for 15 months. It isn't an easy path from now on though, she still faces many physical challenges as a result of her treatment, but her future is looking bright at last.
This family's experience is that our NHS system is fantastic for treatment; Camille has not lacked for anything and they have even supported (and paid for) her parents' choice of radiotherapy treatment in the US as it was more appropriate to her needs and prognosis. But once these children are "cured" of their cancer, the assistance stops there. No physiotherapy, no speech therapy, no help in school or at home - and many of them have life-long disabilities as result of the intensive and debilitating treatment. The NHS system is so underfunded and badly managed that niceties like these are sadly bottom of the list. So this is what Camille's Appeal hopes to achieve; the establishment of a rehabilitation centre at Addenbrooks Hospital to help children like Camille to develop their potential, rather than just survive.
So, this is why I and 8 others will be pedalling our way this Saturday night from Crystal Palace to...oh, Crystal Palace! It's a circular route and I'll be taking photos and uploading to Facebook whenever I can. Actually, there will be around 3000 people taking part altogether, including Ortis Deley, Princess Eugenie and the very lovely Ben Fogle. For every niggle or tired muscle or yawn that I experience, the thought of what Camille has endured will be on my mind and will spur us on. Come back next week to see how long it takes me - my current guess is 7.5 hours including break stops - bets are on folks!
Camille after her first major resection op;
And more recently, starting school;
Less than a week to go til I'm cycling 100km at night in aid of Camille's Appeal - and I can honestly say that I haven't been this excited about anything for months, if not years! It will be hard going, painful and a real endurance test, to say nothing of forgoing sleep and wine for a night, but it's all in a very worthy cause.
I got to know Camille' mum Hayley about five years ago, and was devastated when Camille was diagnosed with an apparently inoperable brain tumour aged just 2 years old. Since then she has undergone 15 months of chemo, 3 major brain resection ops, lots more procedures to drain her head and 3 months of daily radiotherapy involving a general anaesthetic each time. To say nothing of relapses, septic shock and many many dangerous infections - and the sheer hell that her parents have endured constantly in that time is unthinkable. But Camille has taken it all in her stride, supported by her amazingly strong parents and family, and she has now been cancer-free for 15 months. It isn't an easy path from now on though, she still faces many physical challenges as a result of her treatment, but her future is looking bright at last.
This family's experience is that our NHS system is fantastic for treatment; Camille has not lacked for anything and they have even supported (and paid for) her parents' choice of radiotherapy treatment in the US as it was more appropriate to her needs and prognosis. But once these children are "cured" of their cancer, the assistance stops there. No physiotherapy, no speech therapy, no help in school or at home - and many of them have life-long disabilities as result of the intensive and debilitating treatment. The NHS system is so underfunded and badly managed that niceties like these are sadly bottom of the list. So this is what Camille's Appeal hopes to achieve; the establishment of a rehabilitation centre at Addenbrooks Hospital to help children like Camille to develop their potential, rather than just survive.
So, this is why I and 8 others will be pedalling our way this Saturday night from Crystal Palace to...oh, Crystal Palace! It's a circular route and I'll be taking photos and uploading to Facebook whenever I can. Actually, there will be around 3000 people taking part altogether, including Ortis Deley, Princess Eugenie and the very lovely Ben Fogle. For every niggle or tired muscle or yawn that I experience, the thought of what Camille has endured will be on my mind and will spur us on. Come back next week to see how long it takes me - my current guess is 7.5 hours including break stops - bets are on folks!
Camille after her first major resection op;

And more recently, starting school;

Monday, 4 June 2012
Menu Planning Monday.

Oh dear, whilst a slightly better effort than the last couple of weeks, this entry is not a qualified success! Seems I might have been distracted by purchasing methods of maggot removal rather than concentrating on my family's food, so I just bunged a heap of stuff in the trolley (plus have leftovers from a cold lunch that my mum brought over today) and will play it by ear each day...
Fridge contents =
Pork steaks
Chicken thighs and drumsticks
Cold ham
Cooked chicken drumsticks
Red onions
New potatoes
Half a tub of single cream
Big wedge of brie
Sausage rolls
Salad and mint sauce from tonight's takeaway
Single shot of vodka
So, it's a pot-luck week folks! We had an Indian takeaway tonight, and are staying with mother-in-law on Friday night - she has spaghetti and meatballs planned. Will turn many of the above ingredients into sarnies and picnics for half-term, and suspect half the meat will end up in the freezer. Oh dear, that actually only leaves 3 meals to cook - I may have overcatered as per.
The only certainty this week is that I will eating far too much! I have my big Nightrider event coming up on Saturday and feel the need to fuel up for it - what an excuse to overeat! Not sure of our food plans for that evening, but will take some bananas and mini pork pies with me to eat en-route. And the Husband has been tasked with finding me an ice-cold beer to down at approximately 7am when I get to the finish line...
As ever, pop over to see if MrsM has done any better than me this week!
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Jubilee time!
So, what are we all up to folks? We didn't have any plans at all, so kicked off the weekend with some friends and their kids round for a BBQ after school on Friday, then a girls night out for me which surprisingly didn't get too messy. Did share lots of chilled white wine and some good girly gossip though.
Saturday was decent weather-wise and the kids had a party to go to at lunchtime, so we sneaked off for a crab sarnie and a beer in the nearby pub. Then a mosey down to the local folk festival with plenty of bands and Morris dancers to keep the kidlings entertained for a while. It did reinforce why we always think of Morris dancers as crusty old codgers - an unfortunate stereotype that was borne out in force yesterday!
Today we wandered round the harbour and watched a boat procession with the mayor, cadet bands and about a million grockles (that's what holiday makers are known as round these parts), and then had a pub lunch. Been a mixed afternoon though as we discovered the location of one of the recently deceased rats - unfortunately under the floor boards in our bedroom, although the maggots are dropping down from the light fitting in the kitchen ceiling rather than coming up into our room. Yuk.
It did occur to me though that many of us are seeing this as just a much-needed long weekend. Very nice for the queen and all that, and I suppose the bunting looks pretty, but that's it really. The kids are having a ball though!
I'll leave you with a photo of our pub lunch yesterday - nice to be able to eat in peace, sat outside and watching the world go by!
Saturday was decent weather-wise and the kids had a party to go to at lunchtime, so we sneaked off for a crab sarnie and a beer in the nearby pub. Then a mosey down to the local folk festival with plenty of bands and Morris dancers to keep the kidlings entertained for a while. It did reinforce why we always think of Morris dancers as crusty old codgers - an unfortunate stereotype that was borne out in force yesterday!
Today we wandered round the harbour and watched a boat procession with the mayor, cadet bands and about a million grockles (that's what holiday makers are known as round these parts), and then had a pub lunch. Been a mixed afternoon though as we discovered the location of one of the recently deceased rats - unfortunately under the floor boards in our bedroom, although the maggots are dropping down from the light fitting in the kitchen ceiling rather than coming up into our room. Yuk.
It did occur to me though that many of us are seeing this as just a much-needed long weekend. Very nice for the queen and all that, and I suppose the bunting looks pretty, but that's it really. The kids are having a ball though!
I'll leave you with a photo of our pub lunch yesterday - nice to be able to eat in peace, sat outside and watching the world go by!

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