Posting a bit early I know, but have got a manic day (and possibly week) ahead so playing catch-up before I get behind!
Monday; I'm out with 2 girlfriends so will be a steak and lots of wine no doubt. The Husband was going to have some filled pasta out of the freezer but his mum is coming to stay so he'll have to make the dish feed 2!
Tuesday; Feijoada, had this Saturday just gone and was proactive enough to make a double portion. Basically it's a beef, sausage and black bean stew, slow-cooked for about 5 hours, served with rice. It's the national dish of Brasil and one of those where every Brasilian household has it's own version. WIll blog the recipe later in the week - remind me please!
Wednesday; the eggs in purgatory that didn't get made last week.
Thursday; The Husband is out cycling with mates so he normally has several pints of beer and a kebab on the way home, and I'll no doubt have my usual prawn salad or stir-fry.
Friday; Mr Moo has a friend coming for a sleepover and has requested toad-in-the-hole with broccoli. To my shame I've never actually made this so hope it turns out OK!
Saturday; got friends round for dinner and haven't decided what to cook yet. Last time we went to theirs she cooked a stonking meal from Jamie's 30 minute meals so will avoid this cookbook. Ideas please?
Sunday; several paracetamol and a pint of milk for brekkie probably - and a roast for dinner if I can get my act together in time.
On a side note I can thoroughly recomend Tesco's jalapeno humous, had this for a snacky tea today on crackers, washed down with some Aldi white wine. Not counting our chickens yet but we hope to pursue things with the house we saw last week - and if we do will be seriously skint for about the next 10 years so are investigating cheaper ways to still enjoy our food and drink!
Now get thee over to Mrs M's to check out more meal plans!
Now get thee over to Mrs M's to check out more meal plans!