Well, I finally dragged them all out camping this weekend! The weather was just gorgeous so we took off to Durdle Door on Saturday morning. Let's see what happened;
Went to the beach but forgot to take towels, swim cossies etc. And Little Legs decided she needed a wee right in the middle of a beach with absolutely nowhere to hide behind.
Discovered our "new" tent was in fact second-hand, with half the tent pegs bent, the groundsheet full of grass and one of the hooks that holds up the inner room being broken. Me and the Husband had to sleep in the living area.
Our pitch was underneath a row of trees with large numbers of extremely loud birds nesting in them - discovered that ravens start screeching at each other at approximately 4am, non-stop til breakfast time.
The Husband, who was in charge of buying alcoholic supplies, bought me medium-sweet wine to drink. Clearly a disaster.
Mr Moo wasn't feeling on top form; wasn't much fun getting some calpol into him at 2am as he was moaning in his sleep so loudly that I couldn't sleep. Funnily enough the Husband slept through all of that.
The kids were coaxed into a very long walk down to a stunning beach; spent a couple of hours paddling in the sea and covering each other with pebbles, then introduced them to Slush Puppies on the walk back, which went down a treat.
Worked out that actually we would have preferred a different tent layout so will get our money back and buy something that is more useful.
The kids generally behaved themselves, only chatted for an hour after being sent to bed, and didn't wake up at silly o'clock.
Discovered after a few glasses of real wine that medium-sweet stuff is *almost* drinkable. Well, it got drunk anyway.
Campsite was great; very quiet with spotless facilities, an excellent playground, and the most amazing location in the Dorset countryside. Oh, and a bar;)
We had a fabulous time, hanging out in the sun, playing cards, flying on the zip-wire (big enough for adults too!), lazing in the sun, eating bacon sarnies and sausage sarnies and copious amounts of ice-cream, chatting without the distractions of phones and laptops, and generally having a great family time! Just gotta wait for another weekend of good weather and we'll be back!